Stain Removal Procedures General Instructions Time and patience are the keys to stain removal. if a spill occurs, immediately try to remove it by blotting with a slightly damp sponge or dry paper towel. Rinse by misting with a cold water spray and further blot with an absorbent white towel. If this procedure fails to remove the stain, follow the procedures below. In the event of a spill, take time to carefully read the following procedure and follow them thoroughly. Where two Procedures are listed (Example A-M), start with the first procedure (A), then follow with the second procedure (M), if necessary. Continue to repeat the procedure(s) until you no longer see any improvement.
For a complete list of over 500 stains and removal procedures see www.ansosmartcare.com.
Procedures Apply dry cleaning fluid, use towel/cloth. Blot - don't rub. Repeat dry cleaning fluid application as above. Blot - don't rub. Finish with weighted pad of towels.
Scrape or blot up excess spill. Apply detergent, use damp towel. Blot - don't rub. Apply water with damp towel. Blot-finish with weighted pad of towels.
Scrape or blot up excess spill. Apply detergent, use damp towel. Blot - don't rub. Apply ammonia, use damp towel. Blot - don't rub. Apply water with a damp towel. Blot-finish with a weighted pad of towels. Apply white vinegar (undiluted), only after stain is removed.
Scrape or blot up excess spill. Freeze with ice cubes. Shatter with blunt object such as a spoon. Remove chips before they melt.
Apply nail polish remover (non-oily acetone type) use cotton towel to apply to the spill. Don't wet through to the carpet backing. Pick up softened material using a clean, white, softened paper towel. Push toward centre of the spot to avoid spreading material. Repeat. Soften and carefully remove a layer of material each time. Haste may spread the stain and/or damage the carpet.
Apply detergent solution, towel, leave 3-5 minutes. Blot - don't rub. If stain is removed finish with a water rinse, then blot, then apply a pad of weighted paper towels. If stain is not removed, continue as follows: apply Hydrogen Peroxide solution, let stand 2-3 hours under a weighted sheet of plastic wrap. Repeat application of Hydrogen Peroxide and allow to dry until removal is complete. Apply water with a damp towel. Blot-finish with a weighted pad of paper towels. Apply white vinegar (undiluted) only after stain is removed.
Scrape off excess material. Cover with white cotton towel or brown paper. Lightly apply warm iron to towel or paper until material is absorbed. Be sure towel is large enough to cover the stained area. Never touch the iron directly onto the carpet as fiber may melt! Change towel or rotate towel to a clean area and repeat until all material is absorbed.
Vacuum away as much as possible. Loosen remaining material by tapping with a scrub brush or toothbrush. Tap with brush, do not scrub. Vacuum again. Follow with Procedure B.
Scrape off excess material. Lightly rub area with a fresh slice of white bread. Complete removal with Procedure A.
Detergent: Mix 1/4 teaspoon clear, see-through, hand dishwashing detergent with one cup warm water. Hydrogen Peroxide / Ammonia: Mix 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide (3% solution available in drug stores) with one teaspoon undiluted, unscented, clear (not sudsy) household ammonia. Use within 2 hours of mixing. Dry Cleaning Fluid: Liquid, non-oily, non-caustic type sold for spot removal from garments. (Carbona #10, Energine, etc.) Caution, may be flamable.
Please note that these are suggested stain removal methods only. Surfaces makes no guarantee as to the results of these treatments and is not liable for results. Always test these methods on a small, non-visible, carpet area before use.
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